Tell us about what you're doing with your life
I am the publisher/founder of City & State, a media company that covers local government in New York State, Pennsylvania, and Florida. I sold the company two years ago but have stayed on to lead the expansion to other States around the country. I’ve also founded a Think Tank, the 5Boro Institute, that is focusing on creating public policy solutions to chronic urban problems. I’m also enjoying watching my 4 children navigate their 20s and blaze their own paths in their careers and personal lives.
What was your favorite class at Cornell, or the one you found most useful?
My favorite class(es) was a tie between Walter Lafeber’s “History of American Foreign Policy” and Dick Polenberg’s “Modern US History in the 20th Century.” Both of these classes taught me how to think critically about our government and our shared history while taking an analytical look at the key players who shaped America in the 20th century.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
Other than the great friends I made and the fantastic education, I recall fondly my long nights at the Cornell Daily Sun. It was so much fun to put out a daily newspaper and I felt a real sense of accomplishment walking up East Buffalo Street at midnight each night after we sent the pages to the printer, knowing that in just 7-9 hours thousands of students would read our take on the first draft of history.

Which Cornell classmates do you keep in touch with?
I’m in close touch with Eric Messinger, Felise Milan, Ed Rekosh, Steve Nachman, Mark Katz, Susan Kittenplan, Ross Wladis, Frances Ratner and many others.
How has your time at Cornell influenced you since you graduated?
I often refer to the lessons I learned in the competitive hothouse of learning and socializing that existed on campus those four seminal years in Ithaca. I often think back to mistakes I made then, and how I learned through trial and error to be a good person, good friend and good citizen.