Tell us about what you're doing with your life
After retiring from the corporate media world to fight multiple cancers for three years (and win!), I have transitioned to entrepreneurial ventures including a media consulting firm, an interstate trucking company and a solar energy consulting firm. I occasionally drive one of my trucks on a cross country run.
What was your favorite class at Cornell, or the one you found most useful?
Favorite class and the one I found most useful - Field Study In Marketing Institutions with Ed McLaughlin. The class allowed us to explore all aspects of marketing from seeing how corn was canned to visiting New York City media companies and ad agencies. It was this class that inspired me to seek a career in media.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
Freshman Year, living in Donlon with my friends Mark Salzberg, Judy Sloan, Carol Leister, Andrea Shaw, Karin Bernt, John Boggan, Simon Ellis, Mitch Batkin, Ron Paasch, Steve Osborn, Melisa Quinoy, John Toohey, Jesús Graña, Anne Marie Schultz, Jeff Berman, Cindy Parrish, Jim Eicholzer and Dr Eric Friedman. Although we all have pursued separate careers and live in disparate locations, when we get together, it's as if we just saw each other the day before.
How has your time at Cornell influenced you since you graduated?
I am very proud of my Cornell education. My passion for Cornell influenced my step daughter, Tricie Linton, to attend. I was overjoyed to watch her receive her diploma in May 2023. My two little boys, Milton and Brooklyn, are excited to attend. Class of 2036 and Class of 2038, respectively and hopefully.

What extracurricular activity or hobby from your time at Cornell was most meaningful?
Intramural sports - being recruited by the Glee Club to be their quarterback. I threw a touchdown pass my first play. I was their hero; it would have been perfect if only I could sing.
What random or surprising encounters with Cornell or Cornellians have you experienced since you left?
Several years ago, I was pitching an ad campaign to United Airlines. The marketing manager from United was Lauren Thal Rocklin, who I learned was another Cornell alum. We struck up a friendship on that basis and remain in touch.
When my step daughter Tricie received her acceptance to Cornell, I learned that she would be in the same graduating class as Judy Sloan's son Zachary Katz. We put them in touch and they became great friends. They both graduated in 2023. Joining Judy and me for the weekend were Carol Leister, Karin Bernt Colquitt, Jim Eicholzer and Mark Salzberg.
What advice would you give to a student starting at Cornell?
Be confident in your abilities. Work hard. Use your Cornell education to expand your mind in and beyond the classroom.
What are you most looking forward to at Reunion 2024?
Reuniting with my classmates and friends; introducing my family to those classmates I have not seen in over a decade; getting my hand stamped by Cindy Parrish