Tell us about what you're doing with your life
Consulting for the NFL, teaching at Cornell Law School and Coaching the Cornell Sprint Football Team.
What was your favorite class at Cornell, or the one you found the most useful?
Toss-up between and ILR class on arbitration in sports and persuasive speaking in my communications class in CALS.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
Playing varsity football and the friendships with my teammates
Which Cornell classmates do you keep in touch with?
Good portion of my football teammates. There are about 20 of us on a group chat that gets way too much use.
What advice would you give to a student starting at Cornell this year?
Don’t just attend Cornell, live Cornell. There is so much to do beyond your studies which many students are initially intimidated to avail themselves to as they begin their freshman year.
How has your time at Cornell influenced you since you graduated?
The education for one gives you a thirst to excel either by going on to graduate school or plotting to climb the ladder in your chosen field. For me it gave me the confidence to take on any dream I had as a young kid.
What extracurricular activity or hobby from your time at Cornell was the most meaningful?
Cornell Ambassadors was a fun time but certainly my participation in freshman baseball and varsity football resonates.
If you could change anything about your Cornell experience, what would it be?
Not too many regrets. I think I jumped into every activity I could seeking to get the absolute most out of my Cornell experience.
What random or surprising encounters with Cornell or Cornellians have you experienced since you left?
Cornell alum seem to pop up everywhere no matter where on the globe I trek to. Wear the emblem and someone will stop you with a friendly “Go Big Red”.
What does being a Cornell alumnus mean to you?
No question Cornell is a community onto itself. I never really considered myself Mr. Cornell, but I was a Cornell Ambassador, student athlete, alumni elected trustee, and now I teach in both the Law and ILR schools as well as coach the Sprint Football Team. Enough said.
What are you most looking forward to at Reunion 2024?
I am on campus for half the year so the “returning to Cornell” aspect is not familiar to me, but I enjoy watching classmates return and reminisce about all the changes and new experiences for current students. Most like it the way it was interestingly.