Tell us about what you're doing with your life
I’ve enjoyed a thirty year career in financial services. Living in Manhattan and Essex, CT with my partner and best friend Karen Winston—class of ‘85. Karen and I dated from high school into my sophomore year when she came to campus as a Freshman. Regrettably, I broke up with her in 1982. Our lives intersected only a couple times for the next twenty eight years until we finally reunited over a decade ago. I’m a lucky man to have had a second chance with the love of my life. Together we have enjoyed campus visits to relive some of the highs and lows of our early relationship. We’re both looking forward to returning in the Spring for Reunion.
What was your favorite class at Cornell, or the one you found the most useful?
I really liked the Applied Econ class focusing on housing (CEH). Many years later I have come to wonder if somehow that class has by some invisible hand guided me into mortgage banking where I have spent the last twenty years.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Cornell?
To avoid capture and subsequent hazing, Tim Case and I drove his Honda ‘the bone wagon’ in a frantic road race chase around Ithaca. Summers at the Christopher Ryder House with Deke Kastner. London with Darren Miller…never laughed so hard in my life! Thursday night Polo Clubbing downtown with music man and future mayor Alan Cohen… I could go on and on!
How has your time at Cornell influenced you since you graduated?
The rigors of Cornell academics combined with bell curve grading prepared me for the competitive challenges of the real world, Wall St, and beyond. My whole career I never had to worry about someone outworking me.